Scotch delivers £109 a second to UK exports - Exports increase by 10% to £3.45bn in 2010 - 30th March, 2011

Right blend for scotch as new whisky law comes into force - 23th November 20092010 was a record year for Scotch Whisky exports, according to new figures published today by The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA). The performance confirmed Scotch Whisky as one of the UK’s top exporting industries.

Global shipments were valued at £3.45bn, a 10% increase on 2009. Scotch Whisky exports have increased by 60% since the turn of the century, adding an extra £1.29bn in value.

Export value broke the £100 a second barrier for the first time, contributing an additional £10 every second to British exports compared to 2009 (£109 v. £99 a second).

The figures reflected continued premiumisation across the industry, with export value increasing despite a marginal decrease in volume (-2% to the equivalent of 1.06bn 70cl bottles). Export volume in 2010 was 7% (or 72m extra bottles) higher than in 2000.

The SWA reported encouraging growth across different Scotch Whisky categories. Single Malt exports increased by 18% (to £577m) and bottled Blended Scotch Whisky shipments rose by 5% (to £2.6bn).

Eight of the top ten markets grew in value, with a strong performance in the USA (+19% to £499m) which remained Scotch’s largest export market by value. The ‘BRIC’ markets continued to develop, with exports growing to Brazil (+12% to £67m), China (+24% to £55m), India (+46% to £41m) and Russia (+61% to £31m).
Gavin Hewitt, Chief Executive of the SWA, said: “Scotch Whisky is a world class industry that consistently delivers for the UK. Global exports increased for the sixth consecutive year and are now 60% higher in value than in 2000. This year’s strong performance – contributing £109 a second to UK exports - demonstrates that
distillers are playing a key role in export-led recovery.

“To help distillers build on a successful 2010, the SWA continues to work hard to secure fair access to Scotch Whisky’s export markets and better legal protection. We saw real progress on our trade agenda last year, including agreements for lower tariffs in South Korea and GI registration in China.

“This year we look to the successful conclusion of the EU-India free trade negotiations to deliver major improvements in the tariff and trading conditions for our members’ brands in India, a market offering significant future potential.”

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